太極Tai Chi
A Gentle Way to Fight Stress
Tai chi is one of the branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The simple coordinated movements of Tai chi are practiced slowly to develop and strengthen the mind body connection. As the mind and body connect, there is balance - both the mind and body are in harmony.
Fall Outdoor Tai Chi
- A gentle way to fight stress
This workshop will focus on the basics of Tai chi which, when practiced regularly, has many health benefits, including both mental and physical health. Tai chi is one of the branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The simple coordinated movements of Tai chi are practiced slowly to develop and strengthen the mind-body connection. As the mind and body connect, there is a balance - both the mind and body are in harmony. No advanced knowledge of tai chi necessary. The class is appropriate for all ages and fitness levels.
About the Instructor

Carol Suzdak has been a Tai Chi practitioner for over a dozen years. She practices the Yang Style short form of tai chi chuan, the Tree of Life Tai chi protocol, Ichuan standing meditation, the Tai chi sword, fan, and stick forms, and various Qigong forms including the Five Animal Frolics and the Soaring Crane set. Currently Carol teaches at the Parkville Y.

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Depending on the weather, the event will be held at our large deck behind building 2 (1008 Dulaney Valley Road) or in the group room of building 3 (1010 Dulaney Valley Road). Both locations are in the same parking lot. Please park in the back of the building.