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Child, Adolescent & Family Therapy

Childhood Trauma Can Affect Adult Life

Childhood can be considered the “simpler times” of life, with: few worries, few responsibilities, and lots of laughter and joy laughs. But not everyone gets to enjoy their childhood.

Two-thirds of children have gone through at least one traumatic event before the age of 16. (Source: SAMHSA)

Adults often assume childhood traumas are forgettable; however, studies show that they are not. Traumatic experiences can affect children in the long run. They may re-experience the trauma every time similar things happen, experiencing the same distress they felt years ago.

Not every child develops PTSD from childhood trauma. However, it’s still important to be aware of the potential signs.

If your child has experienced trauma recently, look for these signs:

●        Intense fear or sadness
●        Anger-issues
●        Negative thinking

●        Lack of appetite

●        Attention Issues

●        Loss of interest in academic and other activities

When your child experiences these symptoms, consulting with a therapist may be helpful.  Our intake team will work with you to find a suitable therapist for individual and family counseling needs.

Our approach:
Clinically sound, research-based, family focused; we collaborate with parents every step of the way. Our therapy process begins with developing a customized treatment plan and goals. When necessary, we engage other programs within the CMHC umbrella, such as Medication Management or Art Therapy to provide the most complete, comprehensive care.​

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Child, Adolescent & Family therapy

Schedule a session with one of CMHC top-rate child, adolescent and family therapist​​

Meet Our Child, Adolescent & Family Specialists

Let us help you find a licensed mental health professional who can effectively help with healing through childhood trauma. Our therapists specialize in Grief and Loss, Anxiety, Depression, and Relational Difficulties, all of which can arise in the aftermath of trauma.

Rachel Oppenheimer

Rachel Oppenheimer


Patty Klein

Patty Klein


Gina Strauss

Gina Strauss


Veronica Gugel

Veronica Gugel


Renee Vanderstelt

Renee Vanderstelt


Matthew Lowe

Matthew Lowe


Every Child Deserves To Be Heard

Childhood traumatic experiences can affect development later in adult life. This is why it’s crucial not to miss the warning signs and find help at the right time.If you or someone you love has experienced events from childhood that are difficult to discuss,therapist can help you process and cope in a healthy way.. Based on your child’s needs, our therapists will use evidence-based clinically proven methods for supportive and therapeutic care.  At CMHC, we combine clinically sound treatment with innovative approaches like Play Therapy, Art Therapy, Drama Therapy, and Nature Informed Therapy to provide holistic healing methods.

Early intervention is a key in child, adolescents, and teenager’s mental health

Early intervention prevent more serious symptoms developing and reduce the problems with family, school, and work later in life. It could also help reduce the potental medical cost and burden on family members.

When you recognize the signs adn symptiom of mental health challenge early, it’s much search to get right help from a couselor before it gets worse.  Studies have shown that early proper care make complete recovery attainable.

Contact CMHC today to start the righ treatment for your child and family

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